Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature

Judicium of the Faculty of Languages and Literature at the University of Qur’anic Science 2024

The Faculty of Language and Literature of Sains Al-Qur’an University (UNSIQ) held a Judisium ceremony on Monday, August 5, 2020 at Jujugan Serayu Resto. This vibrant event was attended by 77 students from the English Literature Study Program and English Language Education Study Program, as well as the Rector of Al-Qur’an University of Science.

The opening ceremony was warmly welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Language and Literature, Atinia Hidayah, S.S., M.Hum. In her speech, Atinia Hidayah congratulated the students who had successfully completed their education. She also provided motivation for the graduates to continue to develop themselves and be able to compete in the increasingly competitive world of work.

“I hope the graduates can continue to learn and hone their skills, and become highly competitive individuals in the world of work,” said Atinia Hidayah.

In addition to remarks from the Dean, the Judisium event was also filled with a series of impressive activities, including the presentation of graduation certificates to students. The Judisium participants looked very enthusiastic and full of happiness celebrating their academic achievements.

The Rector of Sains Al-Qur’an University, Dr. Zaenal Sukawi, M.A., who also attended the event, also gave appreciation to the graduates and all those who had contributed to the educational process at the faculty. He reminded the graduates to always maintain the good name of the alma mater and continue to contribute positively in the community.

This Judisium event is not only an important moment for students in stepping into a new chapter of their lives, but also a proof of the commitment of the Faculty of Language and Literature at the Sains Al-Qur’an University in producing a generation that is ready to face challenges in the world of work with superior language and literacy competencies.

Congratulations to all graduates! Keep working and be an inspiration to everyone!

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