A total of 12 students from Sains Al-Qur’an University (UNSIQ) from various study programs, including 3 students from the Faculty of Language and Literature, carried out the International Community Service Program (KKN) in Malaysia. The three students are Farda Nurul Zahroh (S-1 English Education), Dwi Utami (S-1 English Education), and Ahmad Nurroab (S-1 English Literature). This program will run from November 17 – December 15, 2024, as part of the Community Service Program: Collaborative International Malaysia – Indonesia.
This International Community Service carries the theme “Research and Development of International Multicultural Education”, which aims to conduct research and development of multicultural education at the international level. This program is a manifestation of UNSIQ’s commitment to achieving its internationalization vision, namely “UNSIQ goes global with the Qur’an”, where students are expected to contribute to introducing the values of the Qur’an and multicultural education on the global stage.
This program is expected to provide valuable international experience for students, while strengthening academic cooperation between universities in Indonesia and Malaysia. In addition, this activity is also a place for UNSIQ students to apply the knowledge they have learned in college in the context of a multicultural global society.
This International KKN is one of UNSIQ’s real steps in supporting the development of students who are not only academically competent, but also have global insight and are able to apply the values of the Qur’an in everyday life.
With this program, UNSIQ continues to strive to produce graduates who are not only competent at the national level, but also ready to compete in the international arena, in accordance with the university’s vision of making UNSIQ a world-class university based on the Qur’an.