Three students from the Faculty of Languages and Literature, Universitas Sains Al-Qur’an (UNSIQ), namely Ahmad Nurrojab (English Literature Study Program), Farda Nurul Zahroh (English Language Education Study Program), and Dwi Utami (English Language Education Study Program), were selected as participants in the International KKN themed “Research and Development of International Multicultural Education”, which will be held from November 17 to December 15, 2024 in Malaysia.
This program is an international collaboration between Indonesia and Malaysia, focusing on the development of multicultural research and education at the international level. Ahmad Nurrojab, Farda Nurul Zahroh, and Dwi Utami will join students from other faculties to conduct community service, research, discussions, and develop educational programs that emphasize cross-cultural understanding.
The participation of these three students is a source of pride for the Faculty of Languages and Literature UNSIQ, as well as opening up new opportunities for academic development and international relations for the campus. In addition, through this program, participants are expected to be able to bring broader multicultural insights and valuable experience in global-scale research.