Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature

International Academic Talkshow and P5 Work Title Appreciation: A Form of Global Collaboration and Appreciation of Student Talents

Faculty of Language and Literature, Faculty of Communication and Social Politics, and Postgraduate Program of the Al-Qur’an Science University (UNSIQ) successfully held an International Academic Talkshow with the theme “The Role of Language in Global Communication and Literacy”. The event, which was held on Saturday, November 30, 2024, at the UNSIQ Postgraduate Hall Building, presented speakers from within and outside the country, strengthening cross-country academic collaboration.

Present as international speakers were Dr. Czarina C. Labayo, Associate Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Sociology and Behavioral Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, De La Salle University-Manila, Filip Netusil and Hana Dockalova, undergraduate exchange program students in Asian Studies, Palacky University, Czech Republic. In addition, the Head of the Communication and Informatics Office of Wonosobo Regency, Fahmi Hidayat, S.IP., M.P.P, also shared his insights in this discussion.

This International Academic Talkshow aims to broaden participants’ insights regarding the role of language in global communication and literacy, as well as being part of an academic collaboration effort between UNSIQ and various international universities.

In addition to the talkshow, the Faculty of Language and Literature UNSIQ also held the P5 Work Title Competition, a competition that is a forum for high school, vocational school, and Islamic high school students to show their talents and creativity. This competition was attended by several schools, including SMA 1 Wonosobo, SMK 1 Wonosobo, SMK 2 Wonosobo, MAN 2 Wonosobo, SMK Takhassus Al-Qur’an, SMK Muhammadiyah Magelang, SMA 1 Parakan, SMK 1 Tengaran, SMK 1 Kalikajar, SMK NU Kejajar, and SMK WIRATAMA 45.2.

In this competition, participants present videos that highlight the uniqueness of traditional dance and traditional games, with the aim of preserving local culture through the creativity of the younger generation. This competition not only fosters a sense of pride in Indonesian culture but also hones the participants’ English skills in conveying their work.

This activity received appreciation from various parties because it was able to bring together elements of education, culture, and global collaboration in one series of events. It is hoped that this event can be an inspiration for participants to continue to develop at the national and international levels.

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