Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature

Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature UNSIQ and UiTM Hold International Webinar Series

The Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature of Universitas Sains Al-Qur’an (UNSIQ) has established an academic collaboration with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Cawangan Terengganu, Malaysia, in the form of a series of International Webinars that will last for four days, starting from Tuesday (10/12/2024) to Friday (13/12/2024).

On the first day, Tuesday (10/12/2024), the webinar with the theme “Cohesion Craze: Making Your Paragraphs Shine” presented a resource person, Madam Nooryuhanis Hashim, an academic from UiTM, who provided insight into the importance of cohesion in writing paragraphs.

The next day, Wednesday (11/12/2024), the webinar continued with the theme “From Crafting Sentences to Structuring Paragraphs” presented by Madam Norhayati Husin. In this session, participants were invited to deepen the technique of constructing sentences to compose well-structured paragraphs.

The third day, Thursday (12/12/2024), was filled by Madam Najlaa Nasuha binti Mohd Radin with the theme “Teaching in the Digital Age: Navigating Ethical Challenges.” This material discusses ethical challenges in the world of teaching in the digital era, relevant for educators and academics today.

In closing, on Friday (13/12/2024), the Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature UNSIQ also contributed to a webinar organized by UiTM, Malaysia. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature UNSIQ, Ana Widiyanti, S.S., M.Hum, became a resource person with the theme “Pitch Perfect: Mastering the Essentials of Presenting,” discussing essential presentation skills.

This series of webinars is a real manifestation of academic collaboration between the Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature UNSIQ and UiTM in broadening students’ horizons and developing science, especially in the fields of language and literature. This collaboration is expected to continue in the future.

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